Year and place of birth: 1978, Rostov on Don, Russia.
Areas of interest: Toeplitz matrices, Toeplitz operators in Bergman spaces.
2009 – present: Professor of Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico.
54 full courses (theory and practice) in 17 different disciplines,
see the page of courses in simple Spanish.
June 2008 – May 2009: postdoc position in Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico.
Collaboration with Sergei M. Grudsky and Nikolai L. Vasilevski.
2003 – 2008. Assistent Professor of Rostov State University,
Russia (in 2006 transformed to Southern State University).
50 courses in 11 different disciplines.
2004: Ph. D. in Mathematics, Rostov State University, Russia.
Advisor: Igor Borisovich Simonenko.
2000: Specialist in Mathematics (approx Master Degree), Rostov State University, Russia.
1999: Bachelor of Mathematics, Rostov State University, Russia.
1985–1995: school 16 of Vladimir city, Russia.
Mathematics teacher: Margarita N. Moskalenko.
Physics teacher: Igor L. Mehrman.
Programming teacher: Alexandr V. Vavilov.
Literature teacher: Alexandra V. Grishayeva.